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The Best Holiday Parades You Can Attend This Year

The Best Holiday Parades You Can Attend This Year

Nov 20, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

If you’re ready to get in the holiday mood this year, then you’ll want to check out some of the best holiday parades being hosted in the U.S. this Christmas season. Since parades can provide the level of entertainment the entire family can enjoy, you’ll want to make sure you grab your little ones and head out to enjoy these upcoming holiday parades, where your children can catch a glimpse of Santa and get some free candy from him to boot. Below we’ve listed the best holiday parades being offered this year so that you can start making your seasonal planning.

The Hollywood Christmas Parade

Now in its 86th year, the annual Hollywood Christmas Parade will be held at 6PM on Sunday, November 26th, with an optional concert starting at 5PM that you can also purchase access to if you wish. The parade takes place on Hollywood Boulevard, starting at Orange Drive and then traveling to Vine, then to Sunset Blvd, and then looping over to finish back on Orange Drive. Your children will get an opportunity to glimpse Santa on a float and enjoy several other great floats for viewing. To learn more about the Hollywood Christmas Parade, please go to their website here.

The McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade In Chicago

On Thanksgiving morning, November 23, from 8 AM to 11 AM CST, the McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will occur, starting on State Street in Chicago. The parade will start on Congress and State Street, and then move to Randolph and State Street. The parade route will cover a mile, and hitting State and Adams street to find your place will give you the best chance to see the parade. That area will also be far less crowded. If you want to learn more about the McDonald’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in Chicago, please visit their website here.

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade In New York

Known as one of the most renowned holiday parades in the United States, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade returns this Thanksgiving Day, starting at 9 AM. The parade route will cover Central West Park and 6th Avenue, ending at Macy’s Herald Square. Plus, you’ll also have the opportunity to souvenir shop at the Parade Store, and watch Santa’s appearance at the end of the parade. For more information on The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, please visit their website here.

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